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claim your health

Blog posts October 2024

Discernment of Transmitted Energy

When "playing the game' of energy, we can find that we easily get lost in the moment. And rightly so: energy is a timeless zone where life is found and being is "played". Yet energy can be illusive and misinterpreted because of the faulty (biased) human condition. I hope to be clear that the energy …

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Intuitive Modalities for Assessment, Guidance, and Practice in Energy Work

I recently attended a webinar on healing modalities and thought it would be a good informational to share here.

According to Jennifer McLean, there are four modalities that conducts how healers work with energy. All information, whether it be health or sickness, good or bad, mathematical or artis…

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Why the Root Chakra Energy is Most Important

Over the last few days, I came to rediscover an old truth, one that I have known for many years. During a particular meditation, I was intuitively guided to focus on root chakra energy, particularly that of safety and belonging. While the energy of belonging can spill over into sacral energy as well…

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